Monday, June 13, 2011

Landa O's Birthday

Can you believe I haven't been on here since NOVEMBER?!? I have an excuse, I promise! I won't bore you with the yada, yada, yada...let's just say after 7 long months of absolute insanity, my schedule...just got even busier :) Anyway, I have started catering a little bit since my name has been mentioned around the military base here, that I cater. Started off as a favor here, and a favor it's grown into something a bit larger then just a "favor." I love it, it's not as upscale as the stuff I did back stateside, but just enough to keep me busy, and my mind fresh with new recipe ideas. I have gotten to do a baby shower, a cooking class where we did Vietnamese food, salads for 500 people at a Command BBQ, currently doing Programs for Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC) which is going to include serving some good food for these women, and recently I got to hold a cooking class birthday party for a lovely 11 year old girl I know. It was a success, and the girls were full and happy. They gobbled up all of the, "finished products" before I had a chance to snap a picture of the crisp & gooey greatness they all grilled to perfection. I did manage some before pictures, and I hope you all have a chance to try them out. Enjoy!

The Menu-this 11 year old had some great taste buds! She chose the menu, it included...

-Big Girl Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Grilled Cheese Options:
-”Dutch Dip Toastie” Chopped salami and apple, topped with gouda, melted in between slices of grilled bread. Paired with honey mustard dipping sauce on the side.
-”Melty Mozzarella” Fresh mozzarella, tomato slices, red onion, drizzled with sage butter and grilled between 2 slices of herb buttered bread. Option to add proscuitto.

Birthday girl with all the fixings

11 year old girls can EAT! I love it!

"Big Girl Grilled Cheese"

Cupcake decorating for dessert!

Show me your cupcakes!

The girls had so much fun, and so did I. The party ran smoothly, it was quick and simple, yet the girls really enjoyed themselves. I really hope I can do another one soon!