Sunday, July 18, 2010

Welcome to my kitchen :)

Whoa, okay I am taking a quick step back here. To those that are curious, here are the reasons behind this whole blog thing :)
On more than one occasion, I have been asked by someone for the recipe for a certain dish I have assembled. By the time I get around to finding a pen and paper, and figure out the measurements of everything (I hate measuring anything, thus the reason I hate baking) I never get the actual recipe to that person. If you are included in this, I am sorry.
Many of those that experiment with food, knows that sometimes you forget everything you put in a recipe. Most of the time I find that I am just grabbing all these different ingredients. Much love to my husband who willingly cleans up after dinner, especially when practically both my spice cabinets, numerous utensils, ingredients, etc, are covering the counters, sink and occupy the stove.
So, finally! A single place I can record everything.
Also, some of my friends have told me that they want to eat healthier, but don't know how to cook, much less from scratch, and want the food to still taste good. Coming from a family of 9, there was no way we could eat all that expensive and unhealthy processed and frozen food, much less go out to eat 7 days a week! So, watching and learning from my Mom, cooking is the one of her many traits I was blessed to learn from her. I love that those who eat the food I cook, benefit from the fact that everything is from scratch, so they know exactly what they are eating.
I found that a lot of people don't eat certain things at home, just because they don't know how to make it! I find that silly. I have one of the weirdest eating habits known to man, and one of them is: "if I am craving something, I want it, and I am going to eat it!" :)
I hope this will be a place of sharing for everyone! I love feedback, and even more-those who can share their recipes as well! Inspiration for a dish has to start somewhere, right? Come cook with me! :)

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