Friday, September 3, 2010

Football Food!

With football season upon us, it's time to reconnect with that part of my brain that acknowledges my husband's love for food that isn't the most healthy-but puts a big smile on that handsome face of his. The first on the list today, is the infamous chili. It's one of those dishes that is hard to screw up-but you want it to taste a way you can't really put into words. I sat down this time and really put together a recipe I thought might meld the flavors together I was looking for...instead of just, "winging it," like my husband says. I think it was a step towards success, as I watched my son and Tyler devour it-whether over chips as a nacho topping, or by the spoonfuls, accompanied by cheese, large dollops of sour cream and chopped onion. I snuck the last bit away into the back of the freezer for a later date-let's hope this is one blog Tyler doesn't read so I can keep that little bit of goodness to myself!!

Football Chili!

Brown a pound of ground sirloin, set aside. Heat some oil in a pan, and add minced jalapenos (we do 4-5 but we love it scorching!) a couple of anaheim or poblano chiles minced, and a chopped onion and saute until onion is translucent. Add a generous amount of garlic and saute a minute longer. Add a couple teaspoons of onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne, cumin, paprika, a handful of finely chopped coriander stems, couple teaspoons crushed red pepper, salt and black pepper. Fill the palm of your hand with chili powder, about a quarter cup, add that to the pan. Add a can of tomato sauce, and a small can of tomato paste, I use a large (soda can size) of V8 as a substitute when short handed and it works fine, and stir that through. I also sometimes coarsly puree a can of stewed or diced tomatoes and add that for texture, and then add beans of your choice. I use 3 cans, sometimes 4-depending on the consistency of the chili at this point. Usually whatever I have on hand, a can of kidney, pinto and great northern is what I used this time, then add a beer (we used a medium ale), a cup of pre-made au jus, the ground sirloin, and stirred it all together. I simmered it on low heat, stirring every so often for about an hour or two-just making sure it wasn't sticking, or cooking the liquid out too fast, I like mine a certain consistency. We topped it off with sour cream, chopped tomatoes, scallions, a dash of hot sauce, fresh cilantro leaves and shredded cheese...served with some warm, homemade cornbread. In the future when the game is on, and friends join us, a double batch will be prepared in the crockpot! We hope you enjoy, I know our tummies were warm and happy :)

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