Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tantalize your Tastebuds!

A friend of mine told me today, that she felt she officially transitioned into the Fall season this past weekend. I have to say, I totally agree! The air changed, the leaves are officially falling to the ground in crunchy, orange and brown heaps, and I now am awake before it's light outside every morning. This afternoon my family came home, and it was one of those, change-into-snuggle-clothes, type of days. I figured why not concoct a nice big pot of soup that matched our moods? So, following is my version of...well, honestly I have no idea. I kind of just threw some stuff into a pot and went off my cravings/taste. Didn't turn out so bad, and my husband said he definitely wants me to make it again...and I will-probably for a luncheon with my church ladies!!! Tee-hee :) If you try this, have fun with it-don't be afraid to play around with the ingredients! All of mine are just approximates on measurements. I eyeballed everything so go by your taste buds.

Saute' some chopped carrots, some minced/chopped garlic and a large chopped onion, in some extra virgin olive oil. After a few minutes, when they are crisp tender, throw in some chopped potato (or use some canned beans of your choice if you prefer or don't have potato on hand), a bay leaf, hefty couple tablespoons of oregano, black pepper, paprika, garlic powder, basil, onion powder, crushed red pepper (we use a handsome bit of this, just because we love the spice-leave it out if you don't want a zing) stir it up real nice. Add your beef stock so it's at a somewhat thin consistency, because you are adding about 4 cups of shredded cabbage towards the end. I didn't have beef stock on hand, so I used water and au jus mix...that way I don't have to use salt in my recipe as well, since there is plenty in that alone. If you use beef stock, I add beef bouillon as well, I really love a rich soup stock. I sliced up a rope of beef (or use turkey) kielbasa, and added that, along with about a 3 TBSP of cider vinegar and a heaping TBSP of brown sugar. Use more or less to taste, add little by little and be careful about adding too much vinegar! Throw in a can of stewed or diced tomatoes (16oz can WITH juice) a few glugs of red wine, and let it simmer and cook through about 10 min or so. Just keep an eye on it. You want to wine to reduce down and meld into that rich flavor of the broth. Stir in the shredded cabbage and give it a few stirs-let simmer a few minutes and serve with some yummy crusty bread! For color, use half white cabbage and half red-it will make it so pretty in color and give it a twist to the regular. I hope it warms your bellies as it did ours...my husband is returning to the kitchen for his second bowl :)

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